Help our Homeless Neighbors Survive the Night

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History of the Belvedere
Real Care Providers Network

Belvedere Real Care Providers was founded in 2013 by Christina Flowers, a local business owner and advocate in Baltimore. The organization’s inception was inspired by Flowers’ encounter with a homeless encampment on I-83 in Baltimore, which motivated her to take action.

Since its founding, Belvedere Real Care Providers has prioritized ensuring people have the tools they need to survive, dedicating itself to providing housing and comprehensive support services for the homeless population in Baltimore City. The organization follows a “Housing First” approach, recognizing that stable housing is fundamental to addressing other challenges faced by homeless individuals.

Over the years, Belvedere Real Care Providers has expanded its services to include Housing First initiatives, Alternative Housing options, Substance Abuse Housing, Substance Abuse and Addiction Recovery Support, Mental Wellness Support, and Assisted Living programs. These efforts focus on equipping individuals with essential resources for survival and long-term stability. Through these programs, hundreds of individuals and families have been housed or placed in housing since the organization’s establishment.

A key aspect of the organization’s ongoing work is the regular #HomelessNotInvisible Ministry engaging the homeless population daily, where we provide continuous support and services to help people survive day after day. This outreach ensures that immediate survival needs are met while working towards long-term solutions. Belvedere Real Care Providers has relied on donations, volunteers, and community partnerships to sustain and grow its mission throughout its history, becoming an important resource for addressing homelessness and providing vital survival tools in Baltimore City.

Together, we can save lives

Homelessness is a serious public health crisis impacting communities across the country. Lack of stable housing negatively affects overall health and life expectancy, leading to preventable deaths. People experiencing homelessness often die decades earlier than the general population, frequently from treatable illnesses exacerbated by dangerous living conditions, which have worsened due to climate change.

The 2023 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) confirms that homelessness has indeed worsened over the years:


people in the U.S, were homeless in 2020


people in the U.S, were homeless in 2022


people in the U.S, were homeless in 2023

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Make a difference in the lives of our homeless neighbors

Join the Belvedere Real Care Providers Network

Since 2013, we’ve helped thousands of individuals and families, but there’s still work to be done. By becoming a member, you’ll be the backbone of our day-to-day operations, ensuring we can continue to provide essential services and support to those in need – become a Real Care Providers Network member today.”